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제 19 호 High Sky and Plump Horses

  • 작성일 2023-08-10
  • 좋아요 Like 6
  • 조회수 14668


High Sky and Plump Horses

By Da-Hwee Kim, Editor-in-chief


  Autumn is often referred to as "the season when the sky is high and the horses get fat." However, there is another expression that indicates the calling of autumn. It's the "season of reading".

  During the semester, there will be more days when you are struggling with classes and assignments than days when you find time to relax, unlike during vacation. As a result, the time to read books will naturally decrease. Actually, if you look at the people around you, it seems that there are not that many people who read in their spare time. As an excuse for our busy lives, we tend to neglect reading at a distance. However, in fact, it can be seen that not having time is just an excuse because you can secure time to read books even if you reduce the time you spend on social media.

  Saying this, do I read a lot of books? Personally, I am the kind of person who loves to read books and tries to stay close to them. Even this summer vacation alone, I read at least one book a week, so I can say that I am not the type to read less. Anyway, the reason why I brought up the story of reading was that I thought about what it would be like to take a tiny break while reading these days when I am so immersed in electronic devices.

  Of course, there is no reason to read books, and nothing terrible happens if you don't read books. However, if you think about it, there are no elements that will be negative to you by reading a book! Rather, it may be full of things that help enrich your brain and mind! So why don't you try to bring books closer to your life starting today?